Common Knowledge Is NOT always Common Practice!

Jul 20, 2022

Do you ever wonder why it is that sometimes we know what we need to do, but we just don't do it, especially in real estate, you know, real estate agents all the time we, we get taught, hey, you got to make your phone calls, you got to get these face to face meetings, write your personal notes, you know, be really organized with your day and yet, for a lot of people, a lot of agents they really struggle with just following through and then they don't feel like they're, you know, being as productive as they could be. They kind of feel maybe guilty that they're not doing some of these activities, or they don't care and they're just kind of falling behind. And it's an interesting psychology, isn't it? And in this video, that's what I want to talk to a little bit about and how we look at that from a coaching perspective.

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